Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / |
Here we can appreciate some of our 4th level artists’
master works. They have written songs about the Titanic historical event.
The lyrics are written in the 3 curricular languages taught
at school: English, Catalan and Spanish. An extraordinary example of a
plurilingual task!
You can watch the videos and sing the songs. The
lyrics are included in PDF documents too.
The lyrics are “originally written by themselves”!!!!!
Well done. Good work! Don’t you think?
Felicitats a tothom!
Als nens i nenes per la creativitat. Al professorat per la tasca que hi ha darrere aquest projecte i que no es veu.
Permeteu-me, com a director, un parell d'agraïments especials. Un a la Mireia, coordinadora dels projectes d'anglès de l'Escola. L'altre a la Belén, per la seua implicació malgrat haver estat només mig curs amb nosaltres.
Ramon Giribet i Boneta
It's great to see how these children mix the learning of different languages with music. That's how a project works. Congratulations!
Un projecte molt engrescador i gratificant pels alumnes i pels profes.
Fan viure la llengua d'una manera diferent. Endavant!
Roser (prof. de música)
Congratulations for your effort!
There're a lot of travel adventures and learning is one of them. With this English project, you will never hit the iceberg of boredom and certainly you will arrive happily at home.
Your songs are very amusing. I appreciate your effort and I'd like encouraging you to continue learning english working hard and having fun!! Go!!
What a rithym in some songs ! Maybe the next hit parade?
Anyway congratulations !!
I love all the songs!! Are a beautiful project.
EDNA (4th B)
Molt be nens per el vostre esforç, us feliçito de tot cor.I tambe a la professora !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Moltes felicitats ens han agradat molt les cançons d'aquest projecte en el que professors i alumnes han participat d'una manera tant activa! Endavant continueu així!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's an excellent work. We can sing all the songs by following your videos. We can also dance!! You have a great teacher: well done Mireia!
I miss you a lot. Happy Easter!!
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